Sunday, August 23, 2009

Competitive season is here!

Last week ended the pre-season schedule of my training. Now I have 12 weeks of competitive training, 2 taper weeks and then race day. Wow!

I started keeping track of my workouts at pre-season week 3. For weeks 3 - 22 (20 weeks) here are my cumulative totals:

swim: 37:31 118,050 yards
bike trainer: 51:50 866 miles
road biking: 70:03 1,234 miles
running: 65:44 442 miles
other: 1:40

total hours: 226.48
total miles: 2,611

Today is a sad day. Reese starts kindergarten. I can't believe it. Anyway, that means that I will have no kids from 8-3 everyday so I decided that it would be better to do my long Saturday and Sunday workouts during these times and make Saturday my day off and Sunday a light day. Pete switched my schedule around and made my weeks Saturday to Friday.

Another change will be my swim workouts! We got a new toy! Pretty cool.
laid out ready to set up
that is reese taking the first dip.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Week P21

Drove home from Denver on Monday, so that day was gone. Pete left to go back to Denver on Thursday for his race, so mostly trainer miles this week.

Swim: :45 2500 yards (skipped out on the other workouts since we have not had swim team)
Bike: 8:15 132 miles
Run: 4:00 26.8 miles
total: 13 hours

This week is my last pre-season week before the 12 week competitive season starts. We are at the lakehouse so I brought my trainer to get the bike workouts in; will have some good hill runs and lots of open water swimming. Good times!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Boulder 5430 Long Course

Pete and I headed to Denver on Friday afternoon for the Boulder 5430 Long Course tri on Sunday. We arrived in Denver at Danna’s house at 2am. Saturday we got up and rode for an hour on the trails near Danna’s house and then headed up to the Boulder Reservoir for packet pickup and a swim.

Sunday morning at 4am we headed to the race site. I set up my transition and then sat around eating, drinking, amazed by the athletes that surrounded me. That was the most fit group of people I have ever been around; very intimidating!

The race started with the pros at 6:30 followed by 9 waves of age groupers. I was in the 10th and final wave leaving off at 7:15. I did a nice long swim warm up, but once the whistle blew and I took off my heart rate immediately spiked. I had a hard time breathing and got knocked around more than usual. I never did settle into a relaxed groove and just focused on getting out of the water. Total swim time was 37 minutes. I was a little disappointed at the swim exit to find that there were no wet suit strippers; I had to use valuable energy to pry off my second skin. I was somewhat concerned at this point that the entire race was going to be painful.

On the bike it took me about 10 minutes to realize that I actually felt pretty good. I was not going very fast, only around 17 mph, but I was not suffering and felt like my heart rate was more manageable. I settled into my aero position and focused on the beautiful surroundings and wonderfully refreshing temperatures that I was blessed with.

At around mile 10 we hit the fun part. With minimal effort I cruised at 25+ mph and even hit 40 at one point; this was quite a long stretch and increased my average to over 21 by the end of the first loop. Sweet! And I will get to do that again! I was able to average 20.2mph overall for the 56 miles. I was very happy with that. The roads were unbelievable. The softest ride I have ever had.

Off the bike in T2 I felt tired but not spent. I grabbed my stuff and headed out for two loops around the reservoir on all dirt and gravel trails. So nice. There were 3 climbs on the loop to keep your legs awake. The sun was strong, different than here in Texas, but I did not feel hot. I dumped water on my head at each aid station and with the breeze coming off of the water the heat was extremely manageable.

From the start of the run I could tell that breathing was going to be an issue as it had been on the swim. I ran from aid station to aid station at a pace that felt like my 5k pace, based on my heart rate, but was in reality slower than my marathon pace and walked through them drinking plenty of water and ate sport beans every other mile. I really didn’t know how slow I was going until I finished loop 1 and saw that it had taken me a full hour. But that was what I had to give and I was enjoying myself and felt better than I thought I would, so I did not try to push it any harder. At mile 10 I had pretty much had it. It was time to eat more and I was at an aid station and needed to drink but I did not want either. I just pushed through the last 3 miles without taking in anything.

I crossed the finish line at 5:34 after a 2:05 half marathon run. The second I stopped running I broke out in goose bumps and could not breathe. I am sure I was pretty dehydrated but I was very surprised at how much harder it was to breathe now that I was finished. I knew that I had shot myself in the foot by not taking any hydration or nutrition for those last miles but it was all over now and I was pleased with my overall time, with how I felt for 90% of the race, and absolutely loved the atmosphere and surroundings, so I was happy.

It was such a great race. Well run, fantastic course, great people. My plan was to take a bunch of pictures after the race to capture some of the beauty, but I felt like crap and just wanted to lie down. Danna was kind enough to snap these for me, thanks!

always what you want to see when you stop to pee...

our Saturday trip to the reservoir

the sunrise over the reservoir race morning

my swim wave

no strippers! dang!

I rested for the afternoon before Trey and Danna insisted on taking us out to Texas de Brazil for an amazing dinner. What a great trip! Thank you for hosting us Trey and Danna!

Now back to business. I have got to get a nutrition plan for my run at Cozumel. The bike is great, but when I run I really do not want to eat anything and that will not cut it for 26 miles…

Totals for last week:
Swim: 1:42 6500 yards
Bike: 7:30 132 miles
Run: 3:00 19.1 miles

This week calls for:
Swim: 2:30
Bike: 7:05
Run: 4:10
Total: 13:45

Monday, August 3, 2009


I am on vacation. For almost 3 weeks. I was in Florida last week; took my run stuff, did not run. Swam a lot. Enjoying the last three weeks before school starts. Workouts will suffer, but it is what it is.

I got in a little over 6 hours of actual workouts before I left on Thursday morning and that was it for the week. This week I am in Denton working on Monday and leave for Colorado on Friday for a half iron race Sunday morning in Boulder. I will not have a heavy week in preparation for that race. Maybe it will be back to normal the week after...we will see. Having fun, though!!

totals for week P19 7/27 - 8/2

swim: 2:15 6500
bike: 5:30 97 miles
run: 2:00 12 miles