Sunday, May 24, 2009

End of week P9

I had a lot of time this week, and when I have time on my hands, I like to ride my bike! So ride I did. and run. and swim (a little). This weeks totals include the Burleson Honey Tour bike and 2 brick runs. It was a great week.


swim 1:30 4800 yards
bike 9:00 157 miles
run 4:15 27.67 miles

total: 14:45

Next week's schedule:

swim: 2:30
bike: 4:25
run: 2:55

total: 9:50

Sunday, May 17, 2009

check check check

2 for 2. Another good workout week. I did not overdo it, but I achieved it. good enough.

swim: 2:05 6,600 yards (got to do an open water swim, too)
bike: 5:10 82 miles
run: 3:10 21 miles

total: 10:25

This week will be P9 5/18 - 5/24 and includes

swim: 2:30
bike: 5:40
run: 3:45

total: 11:55

An hour and a half longer...hmm...gonna have to crank it up. The weather is gorgeous, I am enjoying riding outside so much! I will also have more opportunities to do open water swims. Good times.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Rock On

It was a very good week of working out. I was able to do everything I was scheduled to do and then some. I had a lot of good road riding; it was nice to be off of the trainer! I feel so much stronger on the bike than I did last fall. I don't necessarily feel super fast, but things that would have worn me out last season seem easier now. That is exciting.

Totals for the week:
swim: 3:00 9,150 yards
bike: 7:00 118 miles
run: 2:35 18 miles
total workout time: 12:35

This week's schedule: week P8 5/11 - 5/17

swim 2:30
bike 4:40
run 3:05
total 10:15

Monday, May 4, 2009

End of week P6

Last week's totals are embarrassing, but I am still going to post them because it will motivate me to not have to post these kind of numbers again. I took 3 days off, not for any good reason, I just did.

Swim: 1:00 3050 yards
bike: 4:45 81 miles
run: 2:06 13.3 miles
+20 minutes of cyclocore

total workout time: 7:51

Week P7 (5/5 - 5/10) calls for:

swim: 2:30
bike: 4:25
run: 2:35
total: 9:30

Last week I did the Burleson 5k and I am getting back in my PR range, which is good news. My run has suffered this winter with all of the bike workouts I have done, but it seems to be on the mend. I ran a 23:02; a good place to build from. Eventually I would like to get in the 21 minute range.